Friday, December 5, 2014

The Gingerbread Man

The Gingerbread Man [Scholastic] | [Scholastic#Inc.]

You will need:
Gingerbread dough or store bought gingerbread man cookies
items to use for decorations like m&m's, raising, chocolate chips, licorice
frosting, cream cheese or peanut butter

1. Make the cookies if you haven't bought some.  The dough that comes in a roll is so easy!
2. Decorate the cookies anyway you wish.

This is such a fun book and kids like to hear it over and over.  It's a great way to talk about body parts if your child needs to learn those words.  It's also a good time to talk about clothing and colors if you need to learn those concepts.  It's fun to make cookies that look like family members or favorite super heroes or even occupations.  But the best part is eating the cookie at the end of the story.  Snip, snap, snout....this tale's told out!

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