Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Run, Turkey, Run!


What you need:
1 rice cake
pretzels, candy corn, cheerios, raisins
peanut butter for glue

1. use the rice cake for the body of the turkey and add peanut butter around the edges and middle
2. add feathers by alternating the pretzels and candy corn
3. break pretzels and make the feet
4. I used a small rice cake for the head but you could use a circular cracker or cookie
5. add cheerios and a raisin for face parts

This is a silly book about a farmer chasing the turkey before Thanksgiving Day.  Children root for the turkey to get away and enjoy the repetition of the "Run, turkey, run!" dialog.  You could take this outside and play hide and seek with your child pretending to be the turkey and you pretending to be the farmer and then switch roles.  

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