Saturday, October 4, 2014


You will need:
1 tortilla or rice cake
1 slice of cheese
2 apple slices
2 black olives, marshmallow pieces
2 candy corn

1. cut the cheese in a triangle shape
2. add apple slices for the eyes, then olive slices with marshmallows inside the holes
3. add the candy corn for the nose

This is such a cute story about an owl who tries to fit in with a group of hens.  He learns how to strut, peck and scratch but cannot cock-a-doodle-doo.  Just when he is feeling discouraged, he spies a rat and earns the hens respect by catching it.  It's great for teaching kids that everyone has something they can be good at and we don't always have to fit in or do what everyone else is doing to be liked or respected.

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