Friday, September 12, 2014

A House for Hermit Crab

You will need:
1 rice cake
2 blueberries
veggie sticks or pretzels (5 or 6)
peanut butter or cream cheese
banana, grapes or fruit of your choice

1. make the crab body by spreading peanut butter on the rice cake
2. add the veggie sticks or pretzels for antennae and legs
3. add blueberries for eyes
4. make the ocean floor with fruit of your choice

This is just a fun story to start a conversation about growing and perhaps moving to a new home.
Children love watching hermit crabs.  I used them in my classroom for years.  We would let "Hermie" out and watch him explore, give him a bath and try feeding him different foods.  A few times we would find that he had moved into a larger house during the night!

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