Sunday, August 3, 2014

Pete the Cat

You will need:
1 tortilla
6 pretzels
cream cheese or peanut butter
blueberries (about 1/2 pint)
2 peach slices
1 banana

1. cut tortilla into a football shape and save 2 triangle ends for the ears
2. spread cream cheese or peanut butter on the tortilla
3. add the peach slices with blueberries for eyes
4. cut pupils and a mouth from a banana slice
5. add pretzels for whiskers
6. fill in all extra space with blueberries
7. Eat!
Pete the Cat stories are great for teaching lessons about handling problems and deciding what is worth worrying about.  "It's all good!" and "Goodness, NO!" are phrases children pick up on quickly and they will chime in as you read the stories.  If you have colored buttons to use as you read this story, it can become a math/color identification lesson as well.

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